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M.Sc. in Physics (Major), Astronomy and Astrophysics (Specialization)                                                                                                Sept 2022 - Jun 2024
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India
C.G.P.A - 7.03

B.Sc. in Physics                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jul 2019 – May 2022
Fergusson College (Autonomous), Pune, India
C.G.P.A - 9.15​
Co-curricular Activities
Member, Coordinator (Astro Club, Fergusson College)                                                                                                                          Sept 2019 – May 2022 
  • Organized workshops, exhibitions, and talks in Physics and Astronomy. 
  • Coordinated 'Frontiers in Physics XIII and XIV,' a National Student Seminar series. 
  • Social outreach: Organized hands-on Astronomy sessions for school students.
  • Poster presentations at various events.
Workshops and Courses Attended
  • Raman Memorial Conference (RMC), SPPU, Pune, India                                                                                                                           Mar 2024
  • MARLAM 2022, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (Remote mode)                                                                                             Oct 2022
  • Realm Of Radio, Astro Club, Fergusson College Pune, India                                                                                                                     Apr 2021
  • H1 line detection, Green Bank Observatory, West Virginia, (Remote mode)                                                                                          Sept 2020

Observation Proposals
  • Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), Cycle-42, Proposal code: 42_015, PI, total observation time of 11 hours.
  • Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA), Proposal Code: VLA/23A-264, PI, total observation time of 1 hour.
  • AstroSat, Cycle A14, Proposal code: A14_038, Co- PI

Technical Skills

Language                           : Python, LaTeX, Fortran
OS                                       : Windows, Linux
Productivity Tools            : MS Office, Slack, Google Docs
Astronomical software’s : DS9, Qfitsview, GIST, pPXF, CASA, TOPCAT
Awards and Honors
1. Best poster award under postgraduate category, "Quantifying AGN feedback in a Voorwerp galaxy, NGC5972", RMC 2024.
2. Runner up at poster exhibition. " Multimessenger Astronomy: X-rays and Gamma rays", Annual Poster Exhibition, Fergusson College, Pune, 2022.
1. Arshi Ali, Biny Sebastian, Darshan Kakkad, Silpa Sasikumar, Preeti Kharb, Christopher P. O’Dea, Mainak Singha, Stefi Baum, Omkar Bait, Sravani Vaddi, and Sushma Kurapati, Jet-mode feedback in NGC5972: insights from resolved MUSE, GMRT and VLA observations, 2024, under review, ApJ.
2. Biny Sebastian, Anderson Caproni, Preeti Kharb, Nayana A.J., Arshi Ali, K. Rubinur, Christopher P. O’Dea, Stefi Baum, Sumana Nandi, A VLBA-uGMRT search for candidate binary black holes: Study of six X-shaped radio galaxies with double-peaked emission line, 2024, MNRAS, doi:10.1093/mnras/stae546.

Curriculum vitae

©2024 by Arshi Ali

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